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Immigration policy

Immigration policy

457 visa programme integrity review - impact survey


We are undertaking a survey of businesses that have sponsored 457 visa holders before and after the July 2013 legislative changes came into effect.


You might be asked your views on changes to the sponsorship, nomination and visa application process and changes impacted on your ability to access overseas labour.


The information we collect from this survey will help to inform the findings of the independent review of integrity in the 457 programme.


We have contracted an external service provider to conduct this survey and a representative of this company may call between 19 May 2014 and 30 June 2014 to ask you to participate in a short telephone survey. The survey will take around 20 minutes to complete.


We would appreciate your feedback on changes to the 457 programme via this survey and your participation is voluntary. All information you provide will remain confidential and your response will not directly affect any current or future interactions you might have with us.